
January production was one-fifth higher year on year

January production in the passenger car segment, compared to the first month of 2022, was up 21.7% year-on-year. A total of 112,794 passenger vehicles were produced in the Czech Republic. Almost 11% of these were electric vehicles. However, the volume of production continues to be negatively affected by faltering supply chains and shortages of certain components. These were particularly evident at the beginning of the year in the decline in production in the bus category, of which 134 units (-37.2%) rolled off the production line. The motorcycle category also recorded a year-on-year decline, with a total of 74 units produced. ...

AutoSAP’s response to the demand for accelerated introduction of electric drives in trucks and buses – revision of the regulation on CO2 emission targets for heavy goods vehicles and buses

On 14 February 2023, the European Commission presented a revision of the CO2 emission limits for heavy vehicles (trucks and buses). The new rules amend the existing EU Regulation 2019/1242, which set the first ever EU greenhouse gas emission standards for new heavy-duty vehicles. Under the e ...

Euro 7/VII: “high costs vs. negligible benefits”

The proposed new Euro 7/VII emission standards will have major negative impacts on internal combustion engine vehicles and their availability. At the same time, it will drain much needed resources for investment in the development of electric vehicles. Among its main drawbacks: ...

Despite extensive challenges in 2022, a total of 1.25 million vehicles were produced in the Czech Republic

The year 2022 was filled with a number of difficult challenges for the Czech automotive industry. Despite persistent shortages of semiconductors and other components, the war in Ukraine, and difficulties in production and logistics chains, a total of 1,249,281 road vehicles of all types ...

Despite a slight drop in production in November back to pre-crisis production values

Passenger vehicle production jumped 9.3% year-on-year to a total of 1,118,639 units in the first 11 months. In November itself, however, there was a slight decline in production volume (-4.6%, i.e. 118 264 units). This was mainly due to persistent shortages of certain parts and tig ...

Despite ongoing difficulties, end producers continue to increase production

Between January and October 2022, 1,000,375 passenger cars were produced in the Czech Republic, up 11.2% year-on-year. Moreover, the one millionth car milestone was reached a month earlier than in the previous year and the year before that. The automotive industry is thus successfully approa ...

AutoSAP’s reaction to the draft Euro 7/VII emission standard

On 10 November 2022, the European Commission presented a proposal for a Euro 7/VII emission standard. This replaces the current Euro 6/VI or Euro VI-E, which has undergone successive additions since 2014, up to the current Euro 6d version. The proposed standard tightens the emission lim ...

AutoSAP reaction to the final EU agreement on CO2 emission standards for new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles

On 27 October 2022, the European institutions finally agreed on a proposal that calls for new vehicles to be sold in the EU from 2035 only with zero CO2 emissions. This essentially means that in 2035, the sale of new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles with internal combustion engin ...

Car production in positive figures despite persistent problems in the supply chain

Between January and September this year, 913,148 passenger cars were produced in the Czech Republic, i.e. 9.8% more than in the same period last year. In September alone, 111 374 passenger cars were produced. Manufacturers in other segments of the motor vehicle industry also performed well. ...

Vehicle makers make up for losses in the first half of the year, but expensive energy threatens the whole sector

Car production in the Czech Republic finally got into the black after the summer months. Since the beginning of the year, a total of 801,774 new passenger vehicles have been produced (+3.4%). The growth is due to the improved situation in the supply and demand chains, but also to the low com ...

Car production makes up for year-on-year losses in the second quarter

Thanks to increased production in May and June, domestic automakers erased the double-digit year-on-year decline. Between January and June this year, 606,909 passenger cars were produced, down 8.5 percent from 2021. In June alone, 125,374 cars were produced in the country, up 21.6 percent year-on ...

2021: Solid results of the Czech car industry despite a decline in production

Do výkonnosti automobilového průmyslu také v roce 2021 zasáhla pandemie covidu-19, i když tentokrát odlišně. Její následky se v silně globalizovaném odvětví projevily především ve druhé polovině roku. Kritický nedostatek polovodičových čipů, problémy v dodavatelsko-odběratelských ř ...

Stanovisko AutoSAP k hlasování EP o revizi emisních cílů CO2

Sdružení automobilového průmyslu (AutoSAP) považuje stoprocentní snížení emisí CO2 z nových osobních a lehkých užitkových vozidel k roku 2035 za velmi ambiciózní a v kombinaci s možnou přísnou normou Euro 7/VII za riziko pro zákazníky i odvětví. Apeluje proto na europoslance, ministry EU ...

Výroba automobilů v Česku je meziročně o pětinu nižší

V České republice bylo od začátku roku vyrobeno 361 349 osobních vozidel, tedy o pětinu méně než v minulém roce. Do objemu produkce se promítají rozkolísané dodavatelské řetězce v souvislosti s válkou na Ukrajině i pandemickou situací v Číně. Vozidel s elektrickým pohonem bylo vyrobeno 36 769 ks, je ...

Automobilový průmysl v Česku pociťuje dopady války na Ukrajině

Výroba motorových vozidel v České republice v prvním čtvrtletí poklesla meziročně o 18,7 procenta na celkových 271 315 ks. Propad je daný negativním trendem produkce osobních vozidel v důsledku nedostatku některých komponentů a narušených dodavatelských řetězců způsobených ruskou invazí na Ukrajinu. ...

Devět tuzemských společností dodává díly českému Autu roku 2021/2022

Po dvouleté odmlce bylo dnes opět vyhlášeno Auto roku v České republice. Ve 27. ročníku ankety vyhlašované Svazem dovozců automobilů (SDA) zvítězil v hlavní soutěži dle hlasování odborné poroty složené z českých motoristických novinářů vůz BMW i4. Sdružení automobilového průmyslu proto s hrd ...

Sdružení automobilového průmyslu vítá snížení daňové zátěže pro služební nízkoemisní vozy

Vláda na svém jednání 6. dubna 2022 schválila balíček opatření proti rostoucím cenám pohonných hmot. Koncepční součástí balíčku jsou také opatření na podporu nízkoemisní mobility. Konkrétně by dle návrhu mělo dojít ke snížení povinného přidanění služebního nízkoemisního vozidla využívaného také k so ...

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